Tuesday, July 10, 2007

At the airport

Free internet #1, Changi Airport. Who can resist?

You're probably wondering why, after posting such a sad entry on leaving my daughter in school, I'm now leaving her for another country! I can't help but feeling like a terrible mom everytime I do this (you mean you do this often?!?! you say). No, not very often. But lately it seems like it happens once in every few months. This is the third time this year, actually. First London, then Japan and now Korea.

When I left home this morning, my daughter was still asleep, so I just gave her a longer-than-usual kiss and a sign of the cross on the forehead (my mom would be so proud, and besides, what better thing can I give her than that?) It felt sooo hard to leave, but I'm really hoping that during my absence, my daughter can bond with my helper (aka maid) and be less hostile towards her. Oh yeah... she has been pretty hostile towards my helper so far. A simple look from the helper will get a "Don't see me!" and that's just one of her many more don'ts. "Don't touch my bed!" "Don't take my pillow!" "Don't don't don't!" Sigh...

Well, I gotta go now. So until next week, take care!

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