So let me show you what I've been up to lately. A new hobby, that is.
What! A new hobby? you say. Whatever happened to gocco? WELL... that's been put on hold for the time being... until I install Illustrator CS3 on my computer, and that will have to wait until I get my new laptop which will only come in February next year. My current pc looks set to retire soon and I don't wish to expedite it by installing a heavyweight like Illustrator. Ah, that reminds me. I better backup all my files before that happens.
Ok. My new hobby.
Eraser stamps. Or keshigomu hanko, in Japanese.
It's basically carving your own rubber stamps out of erasers. Yup, that white rubbery thing you use so much in primary school. I carved them using lino cutters and pen knife. I'm pretty happy with the results. I just wished I could get bigger erasers to carve bigger images. Big is beautiful, I say. Leslie from good-ness is helping me check out the sources and pricing, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed so that it won't cost so much.
If you're lucky, you might even get to see one of these babies in your Christmas card this year *wink*.
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