Sunday, November 18, 2007

Night sketch

It's late. It's quiet. It's time to draw.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Irisz Agocs

I've been religiously checking out this artist's work for quite a while now. I simply adore her beautiful illustrations... the cute and witty subjects, the sketchy lines, the colours... boy, i think i love everything about it. I like how the drawings have the relaxed feel to it, sort of like, I don't care if the lines aren't straight or if the colours go over the lines, so long as I think it looks nice.

Still, the thing that intrigues me the most about her works is that, they just seemed so effortlessly drawn, which to me, indicates how talented the artist is.

A dear friend challenged me to come up with an illustration of herself, and since she loves Irisz' work too, I decided to give my friend a combination of both. Here's to you, Pam!