Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tuesday and Thursday blues

Tuesdays and Thursdays are becoming harder and harder to get by. My daughter goes to 'school' on those days. Each class only lasts two and a half hours, but her anxiety (and I believe, agony) starts as early as the night before and she makes sure that everyone around her knows it. It reaches its climax in those few minutes before she enters the classroom, when she screams and cries at the top of her lungs for 'mommy'.

It breaks my heart every time. It especially hurts since I have to pretend that it's not such a big deal and just walk away. Trying to pacify her and looking sad won't work at this point and it may even discourage her further from going to class. Deep down inside, I'm dying to pacify her and tell her that everything will be okay, and that I will always be there with her. But that would be a lie, because in real life, things do go wrong and we sometimes have to do something we don't wanna do. Still, I feel so sad to see her cry like that.

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